Why Organic

Why Organic

why organic

The word “organic” seems to be a trending mantra these days, but staying on the health train isn’t always easy. 

As the majority of today’s food and personal care products (such as sunscreen) is produced by large corporations, following a self-sustainable regime can be a challenge. Because so many of these large companies produce food at an extremely high volume, it’s evident that the quality of ingredients often becomes sacrificed for efficiency and convenience. Ensuring quality of ingredients begins in understanding the process of how we obtain our food and products.

Many studies have shown that from a nutritional standpoint, organic foods are better for our bodies, as they contain a higher density of nutrients. It’s easy to make this nutritional connection to food that grows from the earth (fruits & veggies). When we break down products by their ingredients, it’s all connected.

In our previous blog post, Small Product, Big Change, we discussed the importance of nourishing our bodies with simple ingredients. Knowing where our food comes from allows us to start understanding the process that brings food into our home, on our dinner table, and into our belly (and in our case, onto our face).

Luckily, when you choose organic, this process is simplified. When you take food that’s grown organically, positive changes take place.

Understanding and Supporting Organic Farming Methods

Organic farmers are committed to fostering healthy soil and diversified agriculture, contributing to a little thing called biodiversity: the way nature is designed to work. Biodiversity is vital to a healthy ecology, so when we buy organic, we support the way nature is intended to work. It’s really that simple! Plants don’t need pesticides or chemical fertilizers to grow. Plants naturally work with microorganisms in the soil to get all the nutrients they need.

Organic farming methods contain no toxic pesticides or chemical fertilizers and no genetic modification. Organic crops are also rotated from field to field rather than growing the same crop in the same place year after year. This ensures that the soil does not become depleted over time, which invites pests and gives the soil no time to regenerate itself. When the soil is healthy, the food is healthy, and so are we. 

Going Back to our Roots

Aside from organic foods containing more of a nutritional value and contributing to biodiversity, it’s really about knowing where our food is coming from. Understanding the process of producing food has a tremendous impact on our ecology and allows us to reassess our role as consumers. Choosing organic foods and ingredients is vital to the health of our communities, and it’s also the first step in learning the processes necessary to create a more sustainable food system.

Putting the Power Back in our Hands

It’s more than the “organic” label that has an impact. By choosing food and ingredients knowingly sourced, we take part in a more holistic approach to working with nature, not against it. In many ways, by knowing where our food and ingredients are coming from, we take back our power from large producers to support the local farmers in our community. This simple choice plays a huge role not only in the health of our community but also in our local economy.

Share your favorite organic products in the comments!

Photo: Dylan Gordon
